USP Structural Connectors JUS28-2TZ G185-Triple Zinc Galvanized Double Face Mount Joist Hanger, 2 by 8
Product Code: SH2935
Availability: In Stock
Availability: In Stock
*Light duty face mount hanger that connects a double 2X8 joist to a wood header
*Heavy G185 galvanized coating for exterior applications
*Recommended for use with treated lumber
*Slant nailing allows high loads with fewer fasteners and eliminates the need for special nails
*Comparable to LUS28-2Z
2 x 2 - 8, Triple Zinc, 10 Double Slant Nail Hanger, Manufactured Of 18 Gauge Galvanized Steel, Offers Double Shear Nailing, Allows For 30-45 Degree Nailing Through Both Joist & Header, Resulting In Higher Loads & Less Nailing, Slant Nailing Also Eliminates The Need For Shorter Joist Nails, Installs Ten 10D Nails,
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