72" Zbar Hanging System Bar,Z Bracket,Z bar Mirror Hanger
Availability: In Stock
*72" Zbar Hanging System Bar,Z Bracket,Z bar Mirror Hanger
The Z Hanger is a simple hanging system. two bracket assembly that locks together. One bracket is secured on the wall while the other bracket is secured on the object to be hung. The Z Hanger, also known as a z bar , zbar or Ez bar, is simple, fast and cost effective. Picture hanging,door headboard, mirror hanging,granite,pannel,shelves,cabinet,ceramic,art works,heavy items, and.............. Excellent for Hanging Mounted Art on Foam and Gator-foam by Gluing one Zbar to Back of the Art Work. Price per pair FROM THE WALL TO Z BAR HANGER YOU WILL HAVE 3/16" TO 1/4" GAP. HANGING SYSTEM FOR HEAVY ITEM INSTALLATION EZ-ZBAR HANGER.for heavy installation up to 400 LB HOLES EVERY 4" ALSO AVALABLE WITH OUT HOLES WHCIH WE SEND BY REQUEST ON COMMENT AREA ON ORDER FORM. DESIGNED TO HANG LARGE,OVERSIZED AND HEAVY OBJECTS. GREAT COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS HANG TIGHTLY TO WALL If you need zbar without holes only by request in comment area on order section. Made in USA